Friday, January 31, 2014

The Thirteenth Tale Excerpt

I've been making movies again and it's been a lot of fun, with a new location and new people with new ideas. This is my most recent!

Monday, January 27, 2014

My Attempt

All the words in the world
Would fail to sketch your greatness
And my ink would soon run dry
Before I came close to describing you,
And though I filled every notebook,
I would still need countless more,
So powerful and majestic are you
And while I know I won’t succeed,
I will still try all of my days
To write of you, the great Creator,
Father, Healer, Author, King, Lord.

A Sifting

I can’t see the ending
And the bog is so strong
But I trust written words
And bear the harsh sifting.
Rain wears away the mud
As fire burns away dross
And the purified stone is
Then far more valuable.

In Heaven's Light

The scream of arrows hurtling towards my heart
Had once struck fear within me and I cried out,
Reached towards heaven’s mighty skies, a child in need
And He heard me, stepped out of eternity to shield me.

Darkness determined to envelop me but His shield held,
A comforting cloud of love burning away the dross
To transform a hopeless heathen into a child of light,
Given a song and dance to proclaim from a mighty rock.

The enemies still surround me, with scathing torches blazing
And they may soon succeed in my earthly destruction
But my gaze upon heaven’s light can not be broken
And my soul’s eventual flight shall be sweetly swift.

My Home

Keep the hope of Home
Within my ever steady heart
To warm me in cold icy
driving storms of snow,
to fill me with joy
and to drive me onwards
when the ground turns muddy.
Let eternity’s song dwell
Within my soul as I
Press on with gifted strength
Through valley of night
Into the gentle dawn
Of refreshing, peaceful spring,
The home my heart desires.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Buried Idol

It was quick as murder,
Shocking to you, half victim
And I must have seemed
Utterly out of my mind,
Writing a nonsense letter, lethal
Poison dripped in your veins
So our friendship shriveled
Up and lay utterly cold.
You thought all was well
But the rot was underneath,
Eating at the pedestal
I had placed you upon,
And I was infected too;
See, it would have spread,
Had I not buried it.
Deep in the damp ground
Where the worms delight
And no one may reclaim
What has been left there.
My sweet one, I’m sorry,
But you had become my
Idol and I had to bury
You deeply in the ground.

The Art of Letting Go

The art of letting go
Is a simple, needed art
So often overlooked and lost,
Leaving the artist ever reaching
Towards a light now passed.
It’s a deep breath in
And then let out forever,
Transforming thought patterns
And placing memories once dear
In the ground to be forgotten.
It’s when you hear news
But don’t give in to darkness
That beckons your frail heart,
And it’s refusing to cry
Over tear stained hopes long
Shattered and scattered forever.
It’s the fight to step
Forward out of the night,
Past the crumbling old year
Into the new where summer
Dances in new dreams of hope.
The art of letting go
Rips at your core and
At times, forging on seems
Futile and yet know this;
It is the most worthwhile
Art to be learned of all.

Do Not Fear

Fear was a strong master, 
Chaining my heart in darkness
But a new gift has freed
Me, releasing me to soar;
Belief in one more powerful
Than fear or the dark.
Perfect love blotting out
The fear as I tread
Upon the raging waves,
Heart held safe in hands 
Marked by the greatest act
Of love history ever saw.
Belief has filled my heart,
Leaving no room for fear
And so I have courage
In the knowledge of the
Plan I know is written.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

New Year's 2013

Tick tock, here we are
At the end, the edge
Once more as before,
Yet now isn’t then
Despite the circular return.
The threshold has changed,
Shining lighter than before,
Promising welcome change,
Dare I take the step
Away from the past.
Across the line I fly,
Chains left behind me
Where they will remain
And the darkness sighs
At my sweet parting,
For where I tread,
It can not go.
A new year begins
And I am reborn.

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Seal

A seal was placed
Upon my very soul
And then I was yours
To the end of time.
Others called to me,
Begged for my attention
And there was a time
When I would listen
But not now; no,
I only follow you.
The seal of redemption,
A slate made clean,
Unmarked by the past,
Breaking the old chains
And promising new life.
The seal of the saviour
Claimed me as His
And now I seek

Only His sweet voice.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

To the Lost Ones

Your plight, you think unknown
But see, I understand completely.
You feel all is finished,
The only thing remaining is
The dirt thrown over your coffin
And I know the pain has
You in its cold, bitter grasp.
Like a fish, you gasp for
Air, yet the air is too heavy
And you have nothing left
To lose, for you are lost.
A lost one, among so many
Light hearted people, so alone
In the crowd, a mockery
Far worse than utter isolation;
I know. I understand, truly,
Yet my knowledge foes farther still.
You think this end began
Years ago and the weight has
Weighed you down to immobility
And I know the dark is dark.
But you must know this
Before you let the coffin close;
I stand here, once a lost one
As well, yet painless now,
Unchained to fly in the light
Of love more powerful than
You right now can hope for;
So let me hope for you.
The darkness is a great lie
And even a lit match can
Penetrate its’ stifling weight.
So please, dear loved lost ones,
Light the match, uncover lies
That would have you dead
And know you are not alone,
That while you still breathe,
There is always hope.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Books: December 2013

Half an hour before midnight last night, I finished The Subtle Knife just so I could have one more book read in December. It was a good way to usher in the new year, reading. Over all, I've bought a good many books and read so many too. In total right now I have 919 books and I look forward to this next year to buy and read more! Happy New Year, everyone!

1. The House at Riverton
2. Diamonds are Forever
3. City of Fallen Angels
4. Go Ask Alice
5. Northern Lights
6. City of Lost Souls
7. The Subtle Knife
8. The Great Gatsby

1. Octopussy 
2. From Russia, With Love 
3. A Song for Arbonne 
4. Go Ask Alice 
5. Dragonsong 
6. Dragonsinger 
7. The Vanished Guest 
8. Nicholas Nickleby