Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Final World

(An utterly, utterly random piece but that's about all I can manage at the moment.)

 So it begins, the end of things I know, of these worlds so beautiful and full of secrets, a world I fought to protect. We were all warriors, writers of portals to other lands who would do anything to save our craft and perhaps that’s what brought the end upon us. Things certainly can’t stay the same forever but we thought they could and we fought hard.

 This beach was sunny once, yet the wind blows the trees angrily and the red waves ceaselessly crash upon the crystal sands. This shore never knew the meaning of cold but I shiver now, walking among memories of ink and binding, the laughter that we built. The others have destroyed each other over meaningless differences and their worlds reflect their fate.

 Had a certain executioner not fallen for soft blue eyes, my own world would also be a stormy ruin. Alas, the executioner himself was executed for his mercy and I’ll never forget that hint of a smile on his lips. Though my world is still intact, that means nothing when I’m utterly alone, walking away from the destruction of my people. Arrogance was our downfall; we wrote too much, thought we could create more than was necessary and jealously carefully accompanied each step we took.

 My world, a small island where peace should reign, is more of a prison now but it is a prison I accept. Despite the darkness in my heart, a pale light dwells there as well and I know that while most worlds were destroyed, mine is not the only one left. All books leading to my world are gone now and I shall ever be alone but I will watch over the other world. Perhaps the new race will be less foolish than ours; that’s all I can hope for.

 So, aging slowly but surely, I will sit every day by the pool that shows things unseen and watch the last world grow up. I can change nothing they do, can’t give them wisdom as they choose war or peace but I can protect them from the destruction my people brought to all the other worlds. When at last the light within consumes me and my eyes close for the last time, my lips shall whisper that last world’s name; “Earth.”