Monday, June 16, 2014


I was born amidst a stormy night of trials and hailing fire, born for things so great and still unseen. Raised to be wild and reckless, heart stubbornly cold against the guidance of love so that when my wings had grown to completion, I flew heedless of the voice of the shepherd.

 From one fair city to the next, I travelled, dwelling fully in each pleasure every place offered up. I grew more restless with each tasted delight, heart seeking hungrily. Every place of sinful desires left its mark on my feathers, weakening them and causing feathers to slowly fall like autumn leaves. In the last shining city of greed and temptation, I had only a skeletal frame on my back.

 Grounded, panic entered my heart as I heard the voice of my pursuer once more and I fled from the city to an oasis. But to my horror, the oasis was only a mirage and when daylight came, I found myself in an empty, scorching desert. Friendless and broken, I lay in the sands as the sunlight beat mercilessly upon my fair skin.

 In a half asleep state, I often dreamt of better things, of what I knew could have been had I only listened to that voice. And yet when that voice called to me in my dreams, I woke myself up in terror. Hidden in sharp rocks like a snake, I gave up my grip upon life, fully undeserving of it.

 Then the call came again, a soft whisper this time, gentle and far too kind to someone so vile. Yet it persisted and I was too tired to flee again. Tears ran down my face as I looked up at his face, his eyes mirroring mine. Yet I saw not a dark, angry skeleton but a lonely and loved child. I flinched at his touch but then gasped as healing shot through my shattered heart, all the pieces being pulled together.

 His gentle fingers went over every scar, not taking them away but taking the despair that lay in every groove. And then, beyond what I dared hope for, he created new feathers and clothed my bones anew so I might fly with him. Fully redeemed, he held me close and said he loved me. Then, heart humble and willing, I followed him into the pale blue unknown, never to flee him again.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Wishing Star

In a night so horribly dark,
I looked up at the sky
and saw a star so bright,
beaming down on my sorrow.
I made a wish so pure,
wishing for healing inside me,
peace in the troubled world
and happiness for my family.
I wished to find love
and be sweet hearted,
be a good, caring parent
and change the whole world.
All this and much more,

I wished upon that star;
but then that great light
moved steadily in the dark
and I saw my wishing
star was only an airplane.