Sunday, September 28, 2014

After the Tempest

Little scraps of dream thoughts
Against a starry expanse of fear
Drifting among the sea of my heart.
To leap with angel’s wings
Or glide in murky waters of loss,
Seeking heart’s desire among despair,
Absurdity the only constant chord.
The world is much bigger now
As I shed this first skin
And rise from grey smoky ashes
To the blue of summer skies.
Time over sand, still I rise
Once more after the tempest.

A Sky Full of Stars

(I have internet at home finally! Yay! So one of the great things about living in Alberta is getting to sit out on my porch at night with my aunt and just stare up at the great starry night sky and dream about the future together. This poem came along after one such evening.)

Within a single moment in the cold
Night air under a sky full of stars,
Every pain and fear fades like mist,
Leaving me here looking only up
In silent wonder and astonished awe.
So silent is the night sky, so safe,
A moment apart from normal time
And gazing on this vast expanse
My heart can dream without fear,
Surpassing every boundary doubts raise.
Your great starry blanket rests over me
Giving more freedom than I could imagine
And with awe I give all that I am
To simply being amazed at who You are
And the places You can take me;
Possibilities more vast than the stars
In the untameable, wild night sky.