Tuesday, January 27, 2015


 We were once lovely model of perfection, royalty so charming and beauty overwhelming. Lovely and loving in gowns so soft and vibrant, twirling under a skyscape of stars every night. Soft tinkling laughter, low murmurs of kindness and warmth and all of this in our great Hall, our great King presiding.

 So long ago now and what terrible things have since transpired. Somewhere, a clock struck the close of our happiness, a feat accomplished by our own hands. Those beautiful lights blinked out like dying fireflies and our gowns gave way to rags. Barefoot and broken hearted, we found ourselves running through woods full of things we’d never dreamed of, dire shadows of evils unknown.

 We happened across a book lying in a glade, left by our King. Though its’ sweet words of hope should have strengthened us, it instead separated our group as each chose a different path. Our paths changed us, as sorrows often do and the memory of our great Hall whittled into a sadness that rested deep in our hearts. The book was lost.

 One tried to ease the sadness by building wealth and living a wild life, full of happiness that lasted for short whiles. One found plants in the woods that erased all feeling at all. Once gave away all her precious belongings in hopes of something beautiful in return. One found safety and comfort in harm, wounds that never quite seemed to heal. One never stopped travelling, seeking happiness in the right place to call home.

 Had our lives ever been different? Didn’t we always trudge on through each day, peasants covered in mud? Sometimes we dreamed of haunting music or of a kind laughter, full of love, but we always woke up.

 One found the book and understood what it truly meant. Heart dancing at the thought of finding the answer, of the sadness eased, the question asked for the last time. Ever wandering to tell the truth to others, hopeful of the promised new Hall, we found each other again and broke through the haze of lies we’d submitted to.

 We won’t always wander the woods; nor will the sadness, the lack of a hall, dwell in our souls. We journey to our Hall and our King, dreaming happily of reuniting, of lovely gowns and loving laughter. We dream and travel home.

Monday, January 26, 2015


Time and again, I fail, break,
Snap at the people I should love
Or choose silence over encouraging words,
Think cruel thoughts of judgment.
And I’m sorry; I don’t mean it
But Flesh rears up in my heart,
Pride and selfish desire coming first
When it should remain slain.
Yet still, despite failure and losses,
You stay the same, never failing
Ever loving, such an amazing thing
I can barely believe and how freeing!

On the Waves

Just a little while longer,
Hold me safe, wrapped up
Until I come to shore
And can fall completely apart,
Melt into the warm sand.
There I’ll lie in pieces,
Soaking in the healing sun
And then a form walks by,
Hands of love shaping slowly,
Pieces renewed and combined,
Wild waves held at bay;
A hand pulls me back up
“let’s dance along the shore
And then into those waves!”
And we danced on them,
Free and joyful once more.

Fly Away

Let me fly with the birds
away from these dark ashes
to clearer skies of hope.
Wings made of mere dreams
taking shape and taking flight
beyond this flat mortal realm.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

1. Five Ways to Win My Heart

(A friend and I are doing a 30 day writing challenge, where we have a list of writing prompts and we write about each one in whatever way we want. I'll be posting mine here.)

1. Five Ways to Win My Heart

Words permanently inked upon parchments
Of imagination and lovely open dreams,
Revealing pieces of your dear heart
And begging to see my own thoughts.
Patience and an adventurous companion
With a love to match my own
For thousands of dusty forgotten portals,
Collecting all we can for safe keeping.
Acceptance and a love for my past
And the scars that map my sorrows,
Joy at redemption and sweet forgiveness,
Admiring the butterfly wings I possess.
Sharing the songs that mean the most,
That speak the loudest to your soul,
Causing you to want to leap and shout
Or sit and mourn unknown lost things.
But none of these matter that much,
They’re only nice things but not needed;
Rather, tell me of our Father’s ways
And let’s explore His love together.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year 2015

Fearfully, I looked inside my weary heart
And found an empty vessel thirsting deeply
To be filled by something grand and bold.
Many things, I consumed with wild abandon
But to my despair, I discovered tiny holes
In my hollow heart, so I was now a sieve
And nothing I consumed filled for long.
The hollow gnawed but no source satisfied,
Each drying up before joy was achieved,
So I sought across the land for a solution
Until He made Himself known with a smile.
“I see your heart is a sieve that longs
For filling and I’ve seen you searching.
How convenient, I have a river of love
That can never run out, twill always flow.”
Too good to be true but I surrendered
To His laughter and merciful, abundant waters
And we began to walk the road together,
So my heart is always full and gladly
I search no more, heart free of fear.