Tuesday, August 4, 2015


The darkness was dotted with many stars,
Some small, some large but all shining,
Reaching slivers of connection and unique voice.
We, the stars, grew to orbit the darkness,
Spheres overlapping, light joining for a time
Before the tide moved us forward again.
You shone with kindness, a compliment
And a gentle smile made of contentment,
A fire to warm and inspire sparks of motion.
For brief moments, we impacted each other
But a flicker, a gust of cold wind
And you were Not, lost to this dimension.
But whispers came to my wandering light
Of a place named Day, a light called Sun
That created our cores and allotted our time.
You are safe in the sun’s sweet beams
And I orbit on, forgetting as I sleep
But I smile in the dark; you are home.