Friday, September 11, 2015

Who But You

 The heat of evening lingers as each step raises dusty remnants of hopes once clung to. I walk as I have always walked, farther from home to unknown dreams you once placed in my now dull heart. Seventy five years of following shadows to rest in false paradise until the anchor was suddenly taken and you said to go and I trusted you. Beneath a starry sky as vast as an ocean, you promised and I waited for the impossible in a land of possibility.

 Time brings an ever changing tide of feelings, belief and disbelief becoming interchangeable. I question with anger and frustration, bitter laughter becoming my defense as my arms remain empty in a land of plenty. Trust is an empty collection of lines and whispers but still I wait, the slightest ‘could be’ keeping me tethered through the long years of tears.

 Still, am I a fool to believe and trust in what might only be a lie? I can not imagine how you might turn back time, turn desert lands into an oasis that will become a haven to a million dreams. Could you possibly make a mistake? I had my chance, back before grey washed away my beauty and here I sit in the sand, alone.

 But you aren’t of stone and wood, made by false conceptions and prideful hearts. You hear the sorrow of lost desires and you speak of unheard of things, not simple wishes fulfilled. Could there still be truth behind unseen veils of ‘too late’? Against what I have seen and known, I must let go once more and wait under the starry skies, ears straining to hear the cry of a miraculous promise.

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